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Показано 706-720 из 799 сообщений
94. busy   (19.10.2000 14:27)
Ja soglasna s tem sto v Latvii ljudi deljatsja ne na latishej i russkih, a na obrazovanih i ne obrazovanih. Ljudi, kotorije uchatsja i vidjat svoje buduschije v Latvii bez vsjakih problem uchat latishskij i naturalizujutsja. U menja mnogo druzej latishej, hotja ja sama russkaja. Ja mogu skazatj, sto u nas net nikakih problem v obschenii, boleje togo v Univere, jesli kto-to iz russkih sto-to ne ponjal, latishi bez problem objasnjajut (po russki mezhdu prochim). Ja s4itaju, sto stidno ne znatj latishskogo vsju zhiznj zhivja v Latvii.
Sto kasajetsja u4emlenija prav russkih i urovnja zhizni. V etom godu ja bila u druzej v Pitere, povertje boljshinstvo russkih zdesj zhivet NAMNOGO lu4she chem boljshinstvo russkih v Rossii. I jesli i sobirajutsja kuda-to uezhatj to javno ne v Rossiju, gde posle Latvii takoj sovok, sto prosto slov net! Kogda v magazine tebe dazhe celofanovij paket ne dajut::)).
Sto kasajetsja VVF, to ja scitaju, sto realjno ona izmenitj nichego ne mozhet, no hatja bi chelovek intelligentnij i obrazovanij.

93. alien   (19.10.2000 13:56)
Dear friends,

You knowwhat,are there no other stuffmore interesting that VVF? The only thing I find strange that she,living her whole life in Canadaand working there, can just come back and become a president,I mean you can not be so well in the politics,economy,sociallife of a country if ypu didn't spend there 15,20,30 years for example,so how can you understand people and there needs then.She is not deep in it-I hope u get get me.:)
Idon't thinkthat Latvian men are real patriots! At the moment there are no professional polititians- neither in Latvia,neither in Russia.
Ответ: ПЕРЕВОД:Дорогие друзья, Вы knowwhat, не являются ли там никакой другой stuffmore интересным это VVF? Единственная вещь я нахожу странным, что она, живя ее целая жизнь в Canadaand, работающем там, может только что возвращаться и станет президентом, я подразумеваю, что , Вы хорошо не могли быть так в политике, экономике(экономии), sociallife страны, если ypu не тратил(проводил) там 15,20,30 лет например, так как можете Вы понимать людей и там нуждаетесь тогда. Она - не глубоко в этом-I, надежда u добирается, получают me.:) я не думаю, что Латвийские люди - реальные патриоты! В настоящее время не нет никакого профессионального polititians-ни один в Латвии, ни один в России.

92.   (19.10.2000 13:53)
"-2- Someone IS BORN, LIVES the WHOLE LIFE in a country,
is NOT intended to go elsewhere and just wants to live, work and be happy - BUT IS NOT ALLOWED - discriminated, HAS to have EXAMS (what if thi pensionated old woman has difficulties learning?huh?)

Yea and some of them don't know language at all, hate Latvian Republic and all Western culture as such and would prefer to return to Soviet (not Russian) times with censorship, some 3 TV stations and rows after sausages. There is a very big problem how to separate people that are loyal to LV although don't know latvian language and history good and these people that would prefer Latvia as province of Russia. What do You think how to distinguish these people?
And one other aspect Latvia is the only place on the world to develop Latvian culture, language and mentality. How would You Russians like 40% of Chinese in Your country and Chinese language as the second official one? But I think things are developing more better and better now, we understand each other more and more. Lets ignore radicals from both sides.

91. По латышски говорящая литовка   (19.10.2000 13:43)
Это же хорошо,что В.В.Ф. не из советских времён - ей чуждо понимание вседозволенности слоя начальников того времени, и она очень негативно относится к этим проявлениям.Есть,с чем сравнить!
Ну и ещё моё впечатление по поводу посещающих этот саит - многие просто выплёскивает свою негативную энергию,мало что понимая в предназначении президентуры,хоть и пытаются оставить впечатление эрудита и пишет на несколько языках!

90. Prosto chelovek   (19.10.2000 13:36)
And what if:
1) this person 1 who migrates to another country and wants to live there DOES NOT learn and naturalise?
2) and this person 1 has a kid, person 2, who is born here, dont want to go anywhere, just live and be happy, and he ALSO DONT WANT to learn and naturalise?
3)and this person 2 has a kid.... etc.
THIS is a situation.
Maybe is that Bible theme: sons will respond for what their fathers did?

89. latvian   (19.10.2000 13:34)
Do you have some really independent local information source in Russia, may be Putin's ORT, please name them. About black woman in the far far Africa - I do have oportunity to watch all main Russian chanells by cable(ORT, NTV, RTR, REN, TV6) and I see very well diference between govermental 1. channel and NTV, which owner (Gusinski) is out of country, because of affraid of repressions. By information war i mean, that you got only bad and hyperbolic information about Latvia in Russian channels, and you don't trust channels from overseas, and average russian even does not understand english. Did you know, we are same people like you, just we don't drink vodka so much (sorry joke :))) ), and of course here are some problems, but there are also good things happening in Latvia, but just don't know about them.

88. Gena   (19.10.2000 13:28)
Mnje kazhetsja, zaimoponjimanjije budjet toljko togda, jeslji Rosija perestanjet shitatj Latviju svojej potjerjannoj kolonijej.
a naschot ekonomiki - i Latvia, i Rosija teper v urovnje novorazvitih stran... s tem otlichijem, chto u Rosiji jestj starije atomnije oruzhija a u Latviji njet takih narodnih resursov (neftj, gaz itd) kak u Rosiji. Tjem nje menje boljshenstvo zhiteljej Latvii zhivjot luchshe chem boljshenstvo zhiteljej Rosii... v chom probljema?

87. Нормальный человек   (19.10.2000 13:23)
Somebody mentioned that the same rules of an "ALIEN" passport are applicable in the USA and other countries.
People, you have to distinguish between 2 situations:
-1- Someone migrates to another country, would like to live there, learns native language - applies for a naturalisation (OK)
-2- Someone IS BORN, LIVES the WHOLE LIFE in a country,
is NOT intended to go elsewhere and just wants to live, work and be happy - BUT IS NOT ALLOWED - discriminated, HAS to have EXAMS (what if thi pensionated old woman has difficulties learning?huh?)
I am sorry, but this is my opinion.

86. Нормальный человек   (19.10.2000 13:10)
We have access to all the information we need, "latvian". Although we prefer to watch our own info-channels, we have CNN,SKY,BBC,NBC and other.
I didn't quite catch what you've meant by information war - you mean the situation with Gusinski and Gazprom?
Well, my dear latvian friend, actually YOU are the victim of an information war or whatever you call it, because your prejudgement of Russia is no better than this of an old woman in a far african tribe.
I would rephrase the question and ask you - WILL LATVIANS EVER UNDERSTAND RUSSIANS?
I think this question is more up-to-date and relevant in the light of this discussion.

85. latvian   (19.10.2000 12:23)
Technicaly good working site, very fast loading for Russia (usually they are very slow). Here in Latvia nobody understands is this site some kind of bad joke or serioss thing. I don't have clue too. All I can say - I've got some interesting (but useless) information about VVF, pics are also OK. About your conversation - that's nothing new, if somebody remembers Icehockey WC2000 official site guest book there was the same thing - RUSSIANS WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND LATVIANS, because of large russian soul, and there will be no true information about Latvia, untill you will have only one 1/2 independent media (NTV) and the information war'll be going on. I don't judge you, because you have no good sources for information, like in Latvia. I think also your politicans are interested in bad relationships with Latvia, and you have much more "russian" problems in Kazakstan, Ukraine, Tajikistan etc.

84. guncha   (19.10.2000 12:02)
U NAS KLASNIJ PREZIDENT - VSEM BI TAKOGO 1 raz v zizni ne stidno !!!

83. -   (19.10.2000 11:43)
V obsh4ih chertah ponravilos mnenije Yuri i Senator - pohozhe na vzroslih ljudei, v otljichie ot nekotorih ..., kto prosto umejut kric4atj o nacikah, fashistah a takzhe o obizhennyh v pravah zhiteljah Latvii (s mojei storony ja by nedeljil ih na russko-latyshkojazychnyh a na obra-neobrazovannyh). Hotja te kotorije takim zhe obrozom matom otve4ajut ni4em ne lu4she.
Da, k stati, bylo mnenije 4to v Latvii toljko latishi strojut doma. Nas4ot Jurmali ili Rezekne ja by tak ne skazal.

82. Igor Sagdejev   (19.10.2000 08:17)
A "negru Latvii" ya tol'ko mogu posovetovat' pomenyat' klichku.

Polyubovalsya by on na osnovannoyu na samozhalenii (i postoyannyh trebovaniyah togo zhe ot drugih) "kul'turu" teh, s kem on sebya sravnivaet (kak eto imel "schast'e" sdelat; ya), tak nazyval by sebya po drugomu.


81. Igor Sagdejev   (19.10.2000 08:10)
Slushai, "normal'nyi chelovek", da shodi zhe ty i naturalizuisya nakonec! "Okon"-to ved' net uzhe. Ili zazorno - tak ne zhaluisya togda. A mozhet v NKGB posluzhil? Nu tak za to "spasibo serdechnoe" tebe ne tol'ko latyshi, no i russkie skazat' dolzhny.

A chto do slova "alien", tak etak negrazhdan i zdes', v Amerke zovut. Nichego, terpim.


80. Adriano   (18.10.2000 21:49)
Takix stranic nado bolshe!!!

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